Sunday, January 28, 2018


Both Giri and Carlsen drew their round 13 games forcing a blitz playoff at a time control of 5 minutes each plus 3 seconds per move.

Kramnik beat Adhibhan and moved up to finish on equal third place with Mamedyarov. Wesley So beat Yifan Hou in the final round to share fifth place with Anand.

In the tiebreak, Carlen won the first blitz game with White and drew the second to claim the title. He is the first player to claim a sixth career title at Wijk Aan Zee.

Here are the decisive games from round 13 and the tie break:

Carlsen,Magnus (2834) - Giri,Anish (2752)
80th Tata Steel Masters 2018-TB Wijk aan Zee (1.1), 28.01.2018

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.b3 d5 4.Bb2 Be7 5.e3 0–0 6.Nc3 c5 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.Nxd5 A13: English Opening: 1...e6 [8.Qc2 Nc6 9.h4 h6 10.g4 Nxc3 11.dxc3 e5 12.g5 h5 13.Bc4 Be6 14.Bxe6 fxe6 15.Nd2 Qe8 1/2–1/2 (40) Carlsen,M (2840)-Ganguly,S (2668) Doha 2016] 
8...exd5 9.d4 Qa5+N [9...Nc6 10.dxc5 Bxc5 11.a3 Bg4 12.Be2 a5 13.0–0 Qd6 14.Qd3 Bh5 15.Rfd1 Rfd8 1–0 (45) Votava,J (2522)-Froewis,G (2463) Austria 2016] 
10.Qd2 The position is equal. 
10...Qxd2+ 11.Kxd2 Nc6 12.dxc5 Bxc5 13.Bb5 Bb4+ 14.Ke2 Be6 15.Rac1 Rac8 16.Rhd1 [16.Bxc6!? bxc6 17.Ne5±] 
16...Be7 17.h3 a6 18.Bd3 Nb4 19.Bb1 Rxc1 20.Rxc1 Rc8 21.Rd1 Nc6 22.g4 h6 23.Nd4 [23.Ne1 keeps more tension. 23...f6 24.Ng2 g5 25.f4 Kg7 26.Kf3] 
23...Nxd4+ 24.Bxd4 Ba3 25.f4 f6 26.Bg6 Kf8 27.Kf3 Ke7 28.h4 Bb4 29.Bd3 Bd7 30.e4 Bc3 31.Bf2 Bc6 32.exd5 Bxd5+ 33.Be4 Bxe4+ 34.Kxe4² Endgame KRB-KRB 
34...Ke6 [Black should play 34...Bb4² ] 
35.f5+± Ke7 36.Rc1 And now Bd4 would win. 
36...Rc6?  [36...Rc7± is more resistant.] 
37.Kd3!+- Bb4 38.Rxc6 bxc6  KB-KB 
39.Kc4! Bd6 40.Bc5 Kd7 41.h5 Bf4 [¹41...Bc7 42.Bf8 Bf4 43.Bxg7 Ke7] 
42.Bf8 Ke8 43.Bc5 [¹43.Ba3 Be3 44.Bc5] 
43...Kd7 44.Kb4 White is clearly winning. [Not 44.Bf8 Ke8²] 
44...Bd2+ 45.Ka4 Kc7 46.b4 Bf4 47.Bf8 Kb6 48.Bxg7 Bg5 49.Bf8 Bf4 50.Be7 Bg5 51.Kb3 Kc7 52.Kc4 Kd7 53.Bc5 Kc7 54.Kd3 Kd7 55.Be3  1–0

Adhiban,B (2655) - Kramnik,Vladimir (2787)
80th Tata Steel Masters 2018 Wijk aan Zee (13), 28.01.2018

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.g3 Bc5 4.Bg2 c6 5.Nge2 d5 6.exd5 C26: Wiener Partie 
6...cxd5 7.d4 exd4 8.Nxd4 0–0 9.0–0 Bg4 LiveBook: 8 Partien 
10.Nde2 [10.Qd3 Bxd4 11.Qxd4 Nc6 12.Qc5 d4 13.h3 Bxh3 14.Bxh3 dxc3 15.bxc3 1/2–1/2 (42) Li,C (2755)-Kramnik,V (2801) Stavanger 2016] 
10...Qc8N [10...Nc6 11.h3 Bf5 12.Bg5 h6 13.Bxf6 Qxf6 14.Qxd5 Bb6 1/2–1/2 (57) Morrison, C-Carleton,J (2280) Ayr (Scotland) 1978] 
11.Bg5  Droht Lxf6 und aus. 
11...d4 12.Na4 Be7 13.Qd3 h6 14.Bxf6 Bxf6 15.Nf4 Nc6 16.Nd5ƒ Weiss hat Druck. 
16...Be5 17.Qb5 Bd6 18.Nc5 Bxc5 19.Qxc5 Re8 20.b4 Kh8 21.Rfe1 Und weiter mit Txe8+ wäre nett. 
21...Qf5 22.Nc7 Rxe1+ 23.Rxe1 Rd8 24.Ne8 Beabsichtigt Df8+ und Matt. 
24...Qxc5 25.bxc5 Be6 26.Nd6 Rd7 27.a3 Rc7 28.Nb5 Rc8 29.Nd6 Rc7 30.f4 g6 31.Nb5 Rd7 32.Nd6 Na5 33.Rb1 Rc7 34.Rb5 b6 35.Rxa5? [35.cxb6= axb6 36.Rb2 (36.Rxb6 Rxc2 37.Be4 Rd2=)
35...bxa5= Endspiel KTL-KLS 
36.c6 a6 37.Kf2 Re7! 38.a4 Kg8 39.Ne4 [¹39.Bf3] 
39...Kf8 zielt auf ...Ld5 ab. 
40.Nd6 Bg4 41.Be4 h5 42.h4 f6 [Bloß nicht 42...Re6 43.f5–+] 
43.Bxg6 Re2+ 44.Kf1 Re6 45.Nb7 Rxc6 46.Nxa5 Rc3 47.Nb3 Rc4 48.Bd3 Rxa4 49.Kf2 a5 50.Ke1 Be6 51.Nc5 Ra1+ 52.Kf2 Bf7 53.Kf3 a4 54.Ke4 a3 55.Kxd4 Rd1 [¹55...a2 56.c4 Rb1 57.Bxb1 axb1Q 58.Ne4 Qg1+ 59.Kc3 Qe3+ 60.Kc2 Qxe4+ 61.Kc3 Qxc4+ 62.Kd2 Qd4+ 63.Kc2 Bc4 64.g4 Qd3+ 65.Kc1 Qc3+ 66.Kd1 Bd3 67.gxh5 Qc2+ 68.Ke1 Qe2#]  0–1

So,Wesley (2792) - Hou,Yifan (2680)
80th Tata Steel Masters 2018 Wijk aan Zee (13), 28.01.2018

1.c4 e6 2.g3 d5 3.Bg2 Nf6 4.d4 Bb4+ 5.Bd2 [5.Nd2 0–0 6.Ngf3 b6 7.0–0 Bb7 8.b3 c5 9.Bb2 Nbd7 10.a3 Bxd2 11.Nxd2 cxd4 12.Bxd4 Rc8 13.b4 Qe7 14.Rc1 Rfd8 15.Qb3 dxc4 16.Nxc4 Bxg2 17.Kxg2 0–1 (55) Ding,L (2777)-Carlsen,M (2837) Riadh 2017] 
5...Bd6 6.Nc3 E01: Catalan: Early deviations 
6...0–0 7.cxd5N [7.Nf3 Nbd7 8.Qb3 c6 9.0–0 b6 10.Rac1 Bb7 11.cxd5 exd5 12.Rfe1 c5 13.dxc5 Nxc5 1/2–1/2 (38) Can,E (2605)-Liang,A (2573) Rome 2017] 
7...exd5 8.Nxd5 The position is equal. 
8...Nxd5 9.Bxd5 Bxg3 10.Qb3 Bd6 [Don't blunder 10...Be6? 11.Bxe6 Bxf2+ 12.Kxf2+-] 
11.Nf3 c6 12.Bc4 Bf5 13.Ng5ƒ White has good play. 
13...Qe7 14.Qf3 Bg6 [14...Qf6²] 15.h4!± Strongly threatening h5. 
15...Bb4 16.0–0–0! Bxd2+ 17.Rxd2 h5 [¹17...Nd7] 
18.Rg1 Black must now prevent Qg3. 
18...Nd7? [18...b5± is a better defense.] 
19.Qg3+- Nb6 20.Bb3! Qf6 21.e4 Rae8 22.e5 White is clearly winning. 
22...Qf5 23.Bc2 Qg4 24.Bxg6 Qxg3 25.Bh7+ [Weaker is 25.Rxg3 fxg6 26.Ne4 Kh7²] 
25...Kh8 26.Rxg3 f6 27.Bg6 fxg5 28.Bxe8 gxh4 29.Rg5 Rxe8 30.Rxh5+  1–0

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